Lara Scaglia, MA (Ms)
Phone +49 211 81-15991
Fax +49 211 81-03170 (central fax, please include name of addressee)
SToRE Membership
SToRE member since 01 Apr 2014
advisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Kann
PhD Project
Objectivity, knowledge and experience. The role of the Kantian notion of transcendental schema in epistemology and psychology
The main aim of my project is to provide a comprehensive critical analysis of the Kantian notion of schematism. The project, a development of the results obtained through my Master research about the Kantian notion of experience, consists in the systematic and critical analysis of the task Kant gives to philosophy, i. e. to deal with the relation between different types of knowledge and experience. In this perspective I consider as a key-concept the notion of schema, which can be seen as the function at the basis of the possibility of the organisation of the experiences.
I intend to demonstrate the role of schematism through: 1) the achievement of a critical definition of the notion of schema, with a particular attention to its role in the distinction and relation between transcendental and general logic; 2) a development of the relation between transcendental schema and related psychological and philosophical notions (such as: Piaget`s notion of scheme and Barsalou’s frame theory).
”Conoscenza ed esperienza. Per una lettura <
Conference presentations
19-21 February 2014. “Piaget’s reception of Kant’s doctrine of schematism. Transcendental philosophy and sagesse”. XII Arbeitstagung des Forschungsnetwerkes “Transzendentalpilosophie\Deutscher Idealismus”. SCHEMA-ZEICHEN-WISSEN. Technische Universität Berlin
Prizes and fellowships
Erasmus Grant 2011-2012 (University of Cologne)
CUC Scholarship 2014
Visiting Fellowship SToRE Program 2014 (University of Duesseldorf)
Last updated