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Frauke Albersmeier

SFB 991 / CRC 991

Phone: 0211/81-11804
Email: frauke.albersmeier@hhu.de



SToRE Membership

SToRE member since 23.03.2015

1. advisor: Christoph Kann
2. advisor: Gottfried Vosgerau
3. advisor: David Hommen

PhD Project

The project is concerned with the idea of progress in morality. The central aim is to clarify different concepts of moral progress that have emerged in the history of philosophy and to analyze their various theoretical commitments. It is commonly assumed that the believer in moral progress should naturally embrace moral realism as the metaethical underpinning of her interpretation of history, while this position is at the same time criticized for its presumably audacious metaphysical claims. Whereas these and other objections seem to render any trust in grand-scale moral improvement naïve, the idea of moral progress continues to be of interest for philosophers for different reasons. The debate about its possibility seems to have been revived in part by arguments for the expansion of the moral community. Therefore, one of the central aims of this project is to outline a way in which contemporary changes in the landscape of ethical theory might be understood as a preliminary to, a by-product or an instance of moral progress.


(2017) Von Modellen und Materialien: Tiere in der Sprache der humanmedizinischen Forschung. In: S. Bechmann (Hg.), Sprache und Medizin. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur medizinischen Sprache und Kommunikation, S. 295-320. Stuttgart: Frank & Timme.

(2014) “In Defence of Extinctionism”, in: Les Ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3), 68-88. (undefinedonline)

Conference presentations

11‑2016: Interspecies Solidarity – A pyrrhic victory for animals?, Animal Politics: Justice, Power, and the State, Leusden

10‑2016: The idea and limits of interspecies solidarity, Solidarity in Open Societies, München

05‑2016: How to actually avoid “anthropomorphism”, Animal Agency: Language, Politics, Culture, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Amsterdam

01‑2016: Aiding nonhumans: Solidarity, charity, or what else?, Politics & Nonhumans, Hannover

10‑2015: Philosophische Fachsprache und political correctness, III. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie, Salzburg

09‑2015: All kinds of prejudice. Speciesism and the original analogy to racism and sexism, SOPhiA2015, Salzburg

09‑2014: In Defence of Extinctionism, SOPhiA 2014, Salzburg

06‑2013: Terminologische Probleme in der Tierethik, Philosophisches Kolloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Last updated
