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Ekaterina Gabrovska

SFB 991 / CRC 991

Phone: 0211/81-12454
Email: egabrovska@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de



SToRE Membership

SToRE member 29.10.2015 – 08.11.2019

1. advisor: Sebastian Löbner
2. advisor: Wiebke Petersen
3. advisor: Wilhelm Geuder

PhD Project

The aim of my dissertation project is to provide a frame-based model of agent-related adverbial modification in German. I particularly focus on the adverbs of the vorsichtig-type and the sorgfältig-type: their lexical meaning, connection to an agent, and scope. My initial hypothesis is that adverbs with agent-related readings operate on a higher level of the verbal frame, whereas manner readings operate on a lower one.My project is closely connected to the work of Project C10, which investigates adjective-noun modification in German and English. I will examine whether and which of the combinations of the adverbial use of >vorsichtig< and >sorgfältig< with certain verb classes, correspond to the combination of these adjectives and the corresponding deverbal nouns.


2018. Gabrovska, E. Towards an analysis of agent-oriented manner adverbials in German. In the Proceedings of the 30th ESSLLI Student Session, pp. 221-232.

2017. Goldschmidt, A.; Gabrovska, E.; Gamerschlag, T.; Petersen, W.; Geuder, W. 2017. Does the rain hit the window playfully? A frame-based analysis of German hit-verbs. Proceedings of the 11th TbiLLC, September 21-26, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Atanasova, A. and E. Gabrovska. (in print). Za interaktsiyata mezhdu bŭrzo i za-prefigiranite glagoli v sŭvremenniya bŭlgarski knozhoven ezik. V: Sbornik s dokladi ot Iubileinata nauchna sesiya Morfologiya, sintaksis, pragmatika v chest na 75-godishninata na prof. d.f.n. Ruselina Nicolova. Sofia.

Conference presentations

2018. Anderson, C., E. Gabrovska and W. Geuder. 2018. What is manner modification? Talk given at the CRC 991 Colloquium, 13 December 2018, Düsseldorf, Germany.

2018. Geuder, W. and E. Gabrovska. 2018. Adverbs of intentionality. Talk given at Event Semantics Workshop 2018, 10-11 November 2018, Heidelberg, Germany.

2018. Gabrovska, E. and W. Geuder. 2018. Acting intentionally in Frames. Talk given at the CoSt 2018, 13 September 2018, Düsseldorf, Germany.

2018. Gabrovska, E. Towards an analysis of agent-oriented manner adverbials in German. Poster presentation at the Proceedings of the 30th ESSLLI Student Session, Sofia, Bulgaria.

2017. Gabrovska, E. 2017. Towards an analysis os sorgfältig. Talk given at the Event Semantics Workshop 2017, 24 November 2017, Köln, Germany.

2016. Atanasova, A. and E. Gabrovska. 2016. Die Rolle der Position für die Interpretation von ‘schnell’ im Bulgarischen. Presentation at the Adverbiale-Workshop in Tübingen, July 03, 2016, Tübingen, Germany.

2016. Atanasova, A. and E. Gabrovska. 2016. Quickly starting: An investigation of the adverbial burzo and za-prefixed verbs in Bulgarian. Presentation at the 17th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, March 04 – 07, Szklarska Poreba, Poland.

2016. Gabrovska, E. and W. Geuder. 2016. Agentivity and Force Exertion: the German Verb ‘schlagen’. Presentation at the DGfS 2016, February 24 – 26, Konstanz, Germany.

2016. Geuder, W. and E. Gabrovska. 2016. Verbs and their modifiers – a pilot study on German ‘schlagen’. Presentation at the SFB 991 Colloquium at the Heinrich-Heine-University, January 07, Düsseldorf, Germany.

2015. Goldschmidt, A.; Gabrovska, E.; Gamerschlag, T.; Petersen, W.; Geuder, W. 2015. Does the rain hit the window playfully? A frame-based analysis of German hit-verbs. Presentation at the 11th TbiLLC, September 21-26, Tbilisi, Georgia.

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