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Daniel Schulzek

Daniel Schulzek, MA (Mr)

Phone +49 211 81-15066
Fax +49 211 81-03170 (central fax, please include name of addressee)
Email schulzek@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de



SToRE Membership

SToRE member since 21 Aug 2012

1. advisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Löbner
2. advisor: Prof. Dr. Wiebke Petersen
3. advisor: Dr. Rainer Osswald

PhD Project

Metonymical Processes in Word Formation

In my doctoral thesis, I’m going to develop an analysis of compounds in terms of frames. Frames, in this context, are understood as recursive attribute-value structures. In a first step, the attributes that nominal frames contain are deduced by a corpus-based study on metonymies. Afterwards, these attributes are used to decompose several construal patterns that occur in the interpretation of compounds.


Kimm, Nicolas; Daniel Schulzek and Anselm Terhalle: Functionality and Metonymy. In Solovyev, Valery and Vladimir Polyakov (2012). Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge, 23 (44).

Schulzek, Daniel; Christian Horn & Tanja Osswald (2012): A Formal Representation of Concept Composition. In Bulgarian Journal.

Schulzek, Daniel (in prep.): A Frame Approach to Metonymical Processes in some common Types of German Word Formation. CTF’09 Proceedings.

Conference presentations

Daniel Schulzek, Carina Füller & Peter Indefrey (2012): “Why Soup Spoons are Faster than Crystal Barrels”. Talk presented at CTF’12.

Daniel Schulzek, Anselm Terhalle & Nicolas Kimm (2011): “Consequences of Bi-directionality for Semantic Change and Word Formation”. Talk presented at the XII. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Croatia.

Last updated

17 Mar 2013