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Course Catalog

Winter Semester 2018/2019

Module 1: Core program

Module 1a: Good Scientific Practice
21.02.2018, 10:00 – 14:00 (in German, with PhilGrad)

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45 in the conference room.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC Colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00.

Module 5c: Occupational areas

On the Way to a Professorship – Structuring a Scientific Career in a Meaningful Way (Schwarzkopf) (in English)
20.03.2019 Registration via SToRE Office

Summer Semester 2018

Module 1: Core program

Module 1a: Good Scientific Practice
27.04.2018, 10:00 – 14:00 (in German, with PhilGrad)
04.06.2018, 10:00 – 14:00 (in German, with PhilGrad)

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45 in the conference room.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC Colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00.

Module 5a: Career orientation

Karriereplanung für Doktorand/innen und Postdocs (Merkelbach) (PhilGrad) (in German)
15.03.18 – 16.03.18,
Registration via PhilGrad

Module 5c: Occupational areas

Universitätsverwaltung und Wissenschaftsmanagement als Berufsfelder für Geisteswissen-schaftler/innen (PhilGrad) (in German)
21.03.18 16:30-19:00,
Registration via PhilGrad

Module 5d: Preparation for job application

Successful Academic and Postdoctoral Applications Abroad (Dohe)
25.-26.06.2018, conference room

Postdoc wanted! Applying successfully for jobs in academia (Kuchenbrandt)
19.10.2018, 9:00 – 17:00, conference room

Winter Semester 2017/18

Module 1: Core program

Module 1a: Good Scientific Practice
10.11.2017, 10:00 – 14:00 (in German, with PhilGrad)

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45 in the conference room.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00.

Module 4a Academic Skills

Disputationstraining (Stamm)
17.11.17, conference room

Getting it done- How to Complete your Thesis. Methods and Motivation. (Stamm)
11.12.17 – 12.12.17, conference room

Module 4b Transferable Skills

Speed reading (Magyarosi)
03.11.2017, conference room

Keep your talk fresh. Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations
16.10.-17.10.2017, 09:00-17:00, conference room

Team communication: key roles and intercultural contexts (Garavoglia)
08.02.-09.02.2017, conference room

Module 5a Career orientation

Career planning. How to shape your future. (Merkelbach)
16.01.-17.01.2017, conference room

Summer Semester 2017

Module 1: Core program

Module 1a: Good Scientific Practice
30.06.2017, 10:00 – 14:00 (in English, with PhilGrad)

Module 1b: MasterClass

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45 in the conference room.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00 in

Module 2a Research Topics

Tutorial on Frames (Löbner)
Tuesdays, 12:30-14:00, conference room, starting 2nd May 2017

Module 2b Research Methods

Experimental Methods (Bekemeier)
11th-13th April, conference room

Module 4a Academic Skills

Getting Started (Stamm)
28.08.17 – 29.08.17 (in cooperation with PhilGrad)

Financing Research Projects (Whittle)
27.09.17 + 11.10.17

Winter Semester 2016/17

Module 1: Core program

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00

Module 2b Research Methods

Modelling Frames (Osswald)
Tuesdays 14:30-16:00 in November 2016

Module 4a Academic Skills

Academic Writing in English (Graf)
Mondays from 11:00-12:30

Getting it done. Methoden und Motivation für den erfolgreichen Abschluss der Dissertation (Stamm) (in German)
12.-13.12.16, conference room

Summer Semester 2016

Module 1: Core program

Module 1b: Annual Master Class
The annual master class takes place on 12-13.10.2016.

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00

Module 4

Module 4a: Academic Skills

Getting Started. The path to a successful doctorate (Stamm) (in English)
03.-04.07.16, conference room

Winter Semester 2015/16

Module 1: Core Program

Module 1c: Weekly Graduate Research Seminar
The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45.

Module 1d: Weekly Research Seminar of the CRC
The CRC colloquium meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30-14:00. The program is available here.

Module 4

Module 4a: Academic Skills

Academic Writing in English (Graf)

Summer Semester 2015

Module A – Introduction

Einführung in das Promotionsprogramm

Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

Module B – SFB Research Seminar

The SFB Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 12:30 – 14:00. The program is available here.

Module C1 – Graduate Research Seminar

The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45. For rooms check the program which is available here.

Module F1 – Transferable Skills

Vorbereitung der Disputatio

19 Mar 2015
Drawing Frames with Latex

10 Jun 2015
Arbeitszeugnisse verstehen [open to all SFB members]
Hubrath, Kaiser

Social conventions in academia: an international overview

Module F2 – Career Orientation

03 Jun 2015
Publishing your dissertation

Career Coaching (Group workshop and individual coaching)

Mock job interviews
Hubrath, Reiff, Various

in cooperation with philGRAD:
Berufsfelder für Promovierte: Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen

Winter Semester 2014/15

Module A – Introduction

20 Oct 2014:
Einführung in das Promotionsprogramm

20 Oct 2014:
Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

Module B – SFB Research Seminar

Please click here for details of the weekly Research Seminar.

Module C1 – Graduate Research Seminar

The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45. For rooms check the program which is available here.

Module F1 – Transferable Skills

Vorbereitung der Disputatio

Module F2 – Career Orientation

Career coaching (ongoing)

Summer Semester 2014

Module A – Einführung

07 Apr 2014:
Einführung in das Promotionsprogramm

07 Apr 2014:
Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

Module B – SFB Research Seminar

Please click here for details of the weekly Research Seminar.

Module C1 – Graduate Research Seminar

The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45, in room 23.21.U1.83.
The program is available here.

Module F1 – Transferable Skills

14 Jul 2014
Proposal Writing: Research Grants [canceled]

Disputatio (Individualcoaching, nach Einreichen der Dissertation)

Module F2 – Career Orientation

25 Apr 2014

30 Jun 2014 (in cooperation with LinkDe and philGRAD)
Berufsfelder für Promovierte: Politik

Winter Semester 2013/14

Module B – SFB Research Seminar

Please click here for details of the weekly Research Seminar.

Module C1 – Graduate Research Seminar

The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45, in room
The program is available here.

Module C2 – Special research skills

13 Dec 2013
Fieldwork (1 day)
Lawrence, Matic

17-21 Feb, 18 Mar 2014

Module D – Research topics in depth

17 Jan 2014:
Affordances (one day)

Module F1 – Transferable Skills

22 Jan 2014:
Review Writing

Module F2 – Career Orientation

20 Jan, 03 Feb 2014:
Bewerbungstraining (schriftlich und mündlich, mit Coaching)

Summer Semester 2013

Module B – SFB Research Seminar

Please click here for details of the weekly Research Seminar.

Module C1 – Graduate Research Seminar

The Graduate Research Seminar meets weekly on Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45, in room
The program is available here.

Module F1 – Transferable Skills

08 Apr 2013:
Voice training and presentation skills II (one day)

Module F2 – Career Orientation

24 May 2013 (in cooperation with philGRAD):
Berufsfelder für Promovierte: Wissenschaftsmanagement (0.5 day)

Winter Semester 2012/13

Module A – Einführung

14 Nov 2012: Einführung in das Promotionsprogramm
Ziem, Kaiser, Löbner

04 Dez 2012: Workshop ‘Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis’ und ‘Promovieren ohne Plagiieren’

Module B – SFB-Kolloquium

Das Programm des SFB-Kolloquiums finden Sie hier.

Module C1 – DoktorandInnen-Kolloquium

Das DoktorandInnen-Kolloqium findet wöchentlich statt:
Donnerstag, 10:15-11:45h, wechselnde Räume.
Das Programm finden Sie hier.

Module D – Research topics in depth

08 Jan – 05 Feb 2013
Corpus Linguistics

Module F1 – Schlüsselqualifikation

04 Dec 2012
Promovieren ohne Plagiieren

10-11 Dez 2012:
Projekt-Management II (two days)

07 Feb 2013:
Voice training and presentation skills I (one day)

Presentation skills in English: Finetuning your accent (0.5 day)

Publishing as a Graduate Student (two days)

Summer Semester 2012

Module B – SFB-Kolloquium

Das Programm des SFB-Kolloquiums finden Sie hier.

Module C1 – DoktorandInnen-Kolloquium

Das DoktorandInnen-Kolloqium findet wöchentlich statt:
Mittwochs, 14:30-16:00h, Raum 23.31.U1.66.
Das Programm finden Sie hier.

Module F1 – Schlüsselqualifikation

10-11 April 2012:
Datenbanken I (two days) days

17-19 Apr 2012:
Datenbanken II (three days)

15 Jun 2012:
Moderationstechniken (conference chairing) (one day)

12-13 Jul 2012:
Projektmanagement (two days)

Sonstige Veranstaltungen

09 May 2012:
Organisation einer Konferenz (two hours)

Winter Semester 2011/12

Module A – Einführung

18 Okt 2011: Einführung in das Promotionsprogramm
Ziem, Kaiser, ProjektleiterInnen und GastreferentInnen

19 Okt 2011: Workshop ‘Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis’

Den Ablaufplan für Module A, WiSe 2011/12, finden Sie hier.

Module B – SFB-Kolloquium

Das Programm des SFB-Kolloquiums finden Sie hier.

Module C1 – DoktorandInnen-Kolloquium

Das DoktorandInnen-Kolloqium findet wöchentlich statt:
Mittwochs, 14:30-16:00h, Raum 23.21.U1.81.
Das Programm finden Sie hier.

Module D

Weekly 15 Nov – 13 Dec 2011

04 – 07 Oct 2011
Role and Reference Grammar

Module F1 – Schlüsselqualifikation

21-24 Feb 2012:
Statistics (five days)

27-28 Feb 2012:
Academic writing in English (two days)

05 March 2012:
LaTeX I (beginners)

14 March 2012:
LaTeX II (advanced)