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C10: A frame-based analysis of adjective-noun combinations



Talks & Posters


Funding period : 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2019

Project C10 aims at a semantic analysis of the compositional interaction of attributive adjectives with nouns in German and English. The contributions of C10 will be as follows: (i) Based on the analysis of the lexical decomposition of noun and adjective meanings, it will provide an explicit picture of the mechanisms of composition involved. (ii) Linking the research to previous frame analyses of the semantic mechanisms of nominal compounding will contribute a general picture of modification. (iii) Merging the analysis of adjective-noun combinations with the theory of nominal concept types will lead to new questions and insights.

Project proposal: [ pdf ]

Heads of the project

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Löbner
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Kruppstraße 108 / Geb. 46.21
40227 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 211 81-133 99
E-Mail: loebner@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

Prof. Dr. Wiebke Petersen
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Sprache und Information
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 211 81-152 95
E-Mail: petersew@uni-duesseldorf.de


PD Dr. Oliver Hellwig
Phone: +49 211 81-03177
Email: Oliver.Hellwig@uni-duesseldorf.de

Dr. Curtis Anderson
Email: andersc@hhu.de

In preparation

Anderson, C. (2018). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. BRIDGE-18 pre-proceedings.


Anderson, C. (2019). Specification of methods and the semantics of method-oriented adverbs. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting 2019.


Anderson, C. (2018). Kinds, epistemic indefinites, and some-exclamatives. In R. Truswell, C. Cummins, C. Heycock, B. Rabern & H. Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, vol. 1, 35–52.

Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2018). Roles and the compositional semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. In U. Sauerland and S. Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, vol. 1, ZASPiL 60. 91-108.

Bladier, T., E. Seyffarth, O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen (2018). AET: Web-based Adjective Exploration Tool for German. In Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Miyazaki, Japan.

Löbner, S. (2018),  ‘Barsalou-Frames in Wort- und Satzsemantik.’ In S.  Engelberg, H. Lobin, K. Steyer, S. Wolfer (Hrsg.) Wortschätze. Dynamik, Muster, Komplexität. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter. S. 189–212.


Petersen, W. and O. Hellwig (2017). Unsupervised induction of compositional types for English adjective-noun pairs. In C. Gardent and C. Retoré (eds.), IWCS 2017 – 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics.


Hellwig, O. and W. Petersen (2016). Exploring the value space of attributes: Unsupervised bidirectional clustering of adjectives in German. Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics.

Löbner, S. (2016). Wovon wir reden, wenn wir von Gefühlen reden. In A. Ogawa (Hrsg.), Wie gleich ist, was man vergleicht? Ein internationales Symposium zu Humanwissenschaften Ost und West. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. S. 169-190.


Löbner, S. (2015). Functional Concepts and Frames. In Thomas Gamerschlag, Doris Gerland, Rainer Osswald, Wiebke Petersen (eds.), Meaning, Frames, and Conceptual Representation. Studies in Language and Cognition 2. Düsseldorf University Press, pp. 13-42.

Löbner, S. (2015). The semantics of nominals. In N. Riemer (ed), The Routledge Handbook of Semantics. New York, London: Routledge, pp. 293-302.


Anderson, C. (forthcoming, 2019). Predicate-modifier asymmetries and the syntax-semantics interface. TbiLLC 2019. Batumi, Georgia.

Anderson, C. (forthcoming, 2019). Predicate-modifier asymmetries and the syntax-semantics interface. RTANJ Linguistics 3. Rtanj, Serbia.

Anderson, C. (2019). Enriched meanings and pseudo-incorporated bare singular count nouns in English. Modification of Complex Predicates Workshop. Düsseldorf.

Anderson, C. (2019). Specification of methods and the semantics of method-oriented adverbs. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of American Annual Meeting 2019. New York City.

Anderson C., K. Erbach, and R. van de Vijver (2019). Intonation and evaluation with some-exclamatives. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of American Annual Meeting 2019. New York City.

Löbner, S. (2019). The nominal onion and how to make your way from within to the surface. Invited talk given at the Workshop “The DP border: syntax and semantics”, Berlin ZAS, Jan 2019.


Anderson, C., E. Gabrovska, and W. Geuder. (2018). What is manner modification? CRC 991 Colloquium. 13 October 2018. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Anderson, C. (2018). Specification of methods and the semantics of method-oriented adverbs. Event Semantics Workshop 2018. Heidelberg.

Anderson, C. (2018). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. 26th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference. Rijeka, Croatia.

Anderson, C. (2018). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. BRIDGE-18. Sofia, Bulgaria. [pre-proceedings]

Anderson, C. (2018). Nominal non-predicating adjectives. CRC 991 Colloquium. 17 May 2018. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Anderson, C. (2018). Building method-oriented adverbs. Invited talk, SFB 732 Colloquium. Stuttgart.

Anderson, C. (2018). Nominal non-predicating adjectives. Invited talk, SFB 991 Colloquium. Düsseldorf.

Anderson, C., K. Erbach, and R. van de Vijver (2018). Intonation and evaluative bias in some-exclamatives. 19th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. Szklarska Poreba, Poland.

Anderson, C. and M. Andreou. (2018). The role of context in disambiguating -er nominalizations. Cognitive Structures 2018 (CoSt18). Düsseldorf.

Anderson, C., O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen. (2018). Automatic clustering and the lexical semantics of cooking adjectives. Cognitive Structures 2018 (CoSt18). Düsseldorf.

Bladier, T., E. Seyffarth, O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen (2018). AET: Web-based adjective exploration tool for German. 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Miyazaki, Japan.


Anderson, C. (2017). The semantics and pragmatics of some-exclamatives. Talk given at the CRC 991 Colloquium, 12 January 2017. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Anderson, C. (2017). Roles and the semantics of presidential-adjectives. Invited talk, Carleton University. 2 November 2017.

Anderson, C. (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. Poster presented at TABU Dag 38. Groningen, the Netherlands.

Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. Talk given at Sinn und Bedeutung 22, Potsdam/Berlin.

Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. Talk given at TbiLLC 2017, Lagodekhi, Georgia.

Löbner, S. (2017). Barsalou-Frames und lexikalische Bedeutung – Dekomposition und Wortbildungssemantik. Invited talk given at the IDS Jahrestagung 2017, Mannheim 15 March 2017.

Löbner, S. (2017). Cascades and grammar. Talk given at the Retirement Colloquium Prof. Van Valin, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, 30 September 2017, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Löbner, S. (2017). Cascades, part 2: Cascades of objects: from level-generation to frame-generation. Talk given at CRC 991 Colloquium. 12 October 2017. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Petersen, W. (2017).  Developing a web-based search tool for accessing annotated data. Poster presented at 18th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, March 2017. Szklarska Poreba, Poland.


Anderson, C. (2016). Kinds, epistemic indefinites, and some-exclamatives. Talk given at Sinn und Bedeutung 21. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Anderson, C. and E. Gabrovska (2016). Modification of verbs and deverbal nouns. Talk given at Event Semantics 2016 Workshop, November 25 and 26. Düsseldorf.

Löbner, S. (2016). Surfing the frame net: Metonymy and similar phenomena as evidence for a frame approach to concepts.
Invited talk at Glasgow University, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology. 11 April 2016.
Invited talk at the English Linguistics Society of Korea & Korean Society of Language and Information (joint conference), Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. 28 May, 2016.

Löbner, S. (2016). The nominal onion and how to make your way from within to the surface. Invited talk at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 23 May 2016.


Löbner, S. (2016). The nominal onion and how to make your way from within to the surface. Invited talk at “Role and Reference Grammar 2015”, Düsseldorf, Aug 01, 2015.

Westburg, A., Gabrovska, E., Koch, K. and W. Petersen (2015). Collocation Based Semantic Clustering of German Adjectives. Talk given at at the 16th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. Szklarska, Poland.

23.-24.05.2019 Modification of Complex Predicates Workshop
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Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Collaborative Research Center 991
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Bremen, with Katherine Fraser (UPV/EHU)
Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society
(DGfS – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft)