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C01: Conceptual shifts: typological evidence



Talks & Posters


Funding period: 01.07.2011 – 30.06.2015

The project explores the interface between nominal meaning and grammar from a typological perspective. The focus is on the distinction of four basic conceptual noun types — sortal, individual, relational, and functional — and the interaction of conceptual noun type with determination and possessive constructions. Main emphasis will be laid on the investigation of indefiniteness and of predicative possessive constructions, and grammatic­alization of definite determiners.

Head of the project

Sebastian Löbner 
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Kruppstraße 108 / Geb. 46.21
40227 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 81-133 99
Email: loebner@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

Leon Stassen
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Kruppstraße 108 / Geb. 46.21
40227 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 81-129 25
Email: l.stassen@let.ru.nl


Doris Gerland
Phone: +49 211 81-124 54
Email: gerland@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

Albert Ortmann
Phone: +49 211 81-129 25
Email: ortmann@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de


Syuzan Sachliyan
Phone: +49 211 81-031 77
Email: sachliyan@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

Jennifer Kohls
Phone: +49 211 81-124 54
Email: jennko@hotmail.de

To appear

Doris Gerland. A possible source for definiteness: possessor markers in Uralic. In: Luc Steels, Freerk van de Velde & Remi van Trijp (eds.): How Grammaticalization creates Grammar. Proceedings of Evolang X, Vienna.

Sebastian Löbner.  The semantics of nominals. In: Nick Riemer (ed.) Handbook of Semantics. New York, London: Routledge.[link]

Albert Ortmann. Uniqueness and Possession: Typological Evidence for Type Shifts in Nominal Determination. In: M. Aher, D. Hole, E. Jerabek & C. Kupke (eds.) Logic, language, and computation. 10th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2013. Berlin a.o.: Springer.  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). [preprint/PDF]


Löbner, S. (2014)  Evidence for frames from natural language. In: T. Gamerschlag et al. (eds.) Frames and concept types: Applications in Language and Philosophy. Heidelberg:  Springer. [link]

Gerland, Doris (2014) Definitely not possessed? Possessive suffixes with definiteness marking function. In Gamerschlag, Thomas, Doris Gerland, Rainer Osswald & Wiebke Petersen (eds.): Frames and Concept Types. Applications in Language, Cognition and Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer. [link]

Gerland, Doris, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.) (2014) Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. Düsseldorf: dup. [link]

Ortmann, Albert (2014) Definite article asymmetries and concept types: semantic and pragmatic uniqueness. In: T. Gamerschlag, D. Gerland, R. Osswald & W. Petersen (eds.) Frames and concept types: Applications in Language and Philosophy, 293-321.Dordrecht: Springer. [link]

Ortmann, Albert & Doris Gerland (2014) She loves you, -ja, -ja, -ja: objective conjugation and pragmatic possession in Hungarian. In Gerland, Doris, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.): Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. Düsseldorf: dup. [link]


Löbner, S. (2013)  Understanding semantics, 2nd edition. Chapter 4: Meaning and context. New York, London: Routledge.[link]


Löbner, S. (2011)  Concept types and determination. Journal of Semantics 28: 279-333. [link]

Ortmann, Albert (2011) Anti-agreement with subject and possessors from a typological perspective: A case for null-pronouns or for economy? In Melani Wratil & Peter Gallmann (eds.): Null Pronouns. Berlin: de Gruyter. [link]


Doris Gerland. The special status of the 3rd person possessive suffix in Samoyedic languages. Talk given at the 5th International Conference on Samoyedology, Helsinki, 23. Oktober.  

Doris Gerland. A Possible Source for Definiteness: Possessor Markers in Uralic. Talk given at Evolang X, University of Vienna, April 14-17. [handout/PDF]

Doris Gerland & Albert Ortmann. Objective Conjugation and Pragmatic Possession in Hungarian. Talk given at MoSy-Kolloquium, HHU Düsseldorf, 18.6. [handout/PDF]

Lisa Hofmann. Die Reanalyse von Determination in französisch-basierten Kreolsprachen. Talk given at Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwesten (SPSW) 6, Bielefeld, 23. Mai. [slides/PDF]

Jennifer Kohls. The Various Factors of the Article Split in the Dialects of the Rhine Area. Talk given at the conference Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science, CTF’14, Düsseldorf, August 26th. [handout/PDF]

Albert Ortmann. Typologische Evidenz für Type-shifts: Definitheit und Possession’. Talk given at Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwesten (SPSW) 6, Bielefeld, 23. Mai.

Albert Ortmann. Semantic and Pragmatic Possession: Alienability Splits as Evidence for Type Shifts. Talk given at CTF ’14 (International Interdisciplinary Conference ‘Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science’ of the SFB 991), Düsseldorf, 26. August. [handout/PDF]

Syuzan Sachliyan. The three-way article system in Standard Macedonian. Talk given at the conference Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwesten, Bielefeld, 23-24.05.2014



Doris Gerland & Albert Ortmann. Relationalität im Ungarischen bzw. Uralischen: sag -ja zu alienabel und transitiv! Talk given at Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 16.10.2012. & at Semantik und Pragmatik des Südwestens 2013 (SPSW 5), Saarbrücken, 25.5..

Doris Gerland & Albert Ortmann. What Counts as Relational in Hungarian? Poster presented at the 11th Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH 2013), Piliscsaba, Hungary, 29-31.8. [poster/PDF]

Lisa Hofmann. Determination Reanalyzed as Part of the Noun: The Case of French-Based Creole Languages. Talk given at SFB-Kolloquium, Düsseldorf, 28.11.

Albert Ortmann. Uniqueness and Possession: Typological Evidence for Type Shifts in Nominal Determination. Talk given at the Tenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (TbiLLC 2013), Tbilisi, Georgia.



Doris Gerland. Possessive Suffixes as Definite Articles. Talk given at the SFB 991 workshop Semantic and Typological Perspectives on Definites, Düsseldorf, Jun 01-02. [handout/PDF]

Doris Gerland & Albert Ortmann. What Counts as Relational in Hungarian, Uralic, and beyond? Talk given at Typologica. July 19-21.

Doris Gerland & Albert Ortmann. What counts as relational in Hungarian, Uralic, and beyond? Talk given at Concept Types and Frames (CTF`12), Düsseldorf, 23.8.

Sebastian Löbner. Definites in the Theory of Concept Types and Determination.  Talk at the SFB 991 Workshop “Semantic and typological perspectives on definites”, Düsseldorf, Jun 01-02. [handout/PDF]

Sebastian Löbner. Definiteness splits. Invited talk at the Workshop on “Languages with and without articles”, CNRS / Paris 8, Paris, Mar 15-16. [handout/PDF, slides/PPT]

Albert Ortmann. A Semantic-Typological Perspective on Determination: “Semantic” vs. “Pragmatic” in Uniqueness and Possession. Talk given at the SFB 991 Workshop Semantic and typological perspectives on definites, Düsseldorf, 1.6.



Doris Gerland. From possessive suffixes to definite articles. Talk given at the workshop on Languages with and without Articles, CNRS/Paris 8, March 03-04.

Doris Gerland. Definitely not Possessed: Possessives with Non-Possessive Function. Talk given at Grammatica & Contextus – New Approaches to the Uralic languages, Budapest ELTE, April 19-21.

Albert Ortmann. Semantik und Typologie definiter Artikel. Talk given at Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 7.6.