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A06: Logic and ontology of the cognitive representation of theories: Frames, sentences and models in comparison



Talks & Posters

Funding period 1: 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2019

Project A06 investigates frame-based methods of representing scientific theories, both from a logical and an ontological perspective. This comprises a formal definition of the notion of a classificatory frame and of its logical counterpart. As a test case, (parts of) the theory of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG), the grammatical framework used in B01 and D04, will be represented with frames. Furthermore, this approach will be compared to the two traditional representation methods in philosophy of science, namely the representation of theories (i) as sets of sentences (e.g., Carnap) and (ii) as classes of models (e.g., Sneed).

Head of the project

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schurz
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 211 81-129 14
E-Mail: schurz@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de


Dr. David Hommen
Phone: +49(0)211 81-15265
Email: hommen@phil.hhu.de

Former staff

Dr. Stefan Kornmesser
Email: Stephan.Kornmesser@uni-duesseldorf.de


Hommen, D. 2020. Determinables in Frames. Acta Analytica (Online First). doi: 10.1007/s12136-020-00448-8. [URL]


Kornmesser, S. & G. Schurz. 2018. Analyzing Theories in the Frame Model. Erkenntnis doi: 10.1007/ s10670-018-0078-5. [URL]


Hommen, D. 2017. Ontological commitments of frame-based knowledge representations. Synthese doi: 10.1007/s11229-017-1649-8. [URL]

Kornmesser, S. 2017a. A Frame-Based Approach for Operationalized Concepts. In M. Massimi, J.-W. Romeijn & G. Schurz (eds.), EPSA15 Selected Papers, 205–220. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Kornmesser, S. 2017b. Frames and concepts in the philosophy of science. European Journal for Philosophy of Science (Online First) .


Kornmesser, Stephan (2016). A frame-based approach for theoretical concepts. Synthese 193: 145-166. [URL]


Schurz, Gerhard & Ioannis Votsis (2013). Reconstructing Scientific Theory Change by Means of Frames. In T. Gamerschlag et al. (eds.), Frames and Concept Types. Application in Language and Philosophy, Springer, New York, 93-119. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-01541-5__4


Votsis, Ioannis & Gerhard Schurz (2012). A Frame-Theoretic Analysis of Two Rival Conceptions of Heat. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 43(1), 105-114. doi:10.1016/j.shpsa.2011.10.010


Hommen, D. Ontological Commitments of Frame Theory. Talk held at the XXIV. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie: Norm und Natur (DKPhil), Berlin, 9/25/2017.

Hommen, D. The Ontology of Frames. Talk held at the European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP9), München, 8/23/2017.

Hommen, D. Tropes in Frame Theory. Talk held at the research seminar of the Düsseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Düsseldorf, 4/25/2017.

Kornmesser, S. Reconstructing Theories in the Frame Model. Talk held at the European Congress for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP9), München, 26.8.2017.


Hommen, D. Ontological commitments of meta-theoretic methods of theory reconstruction: the case of frames. Talk held at the Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues (ICPOS), Lisbon, 12/16/2016.

Hommen, D. Prolegomena to an ontology of frames. Talk held at the research seminar of the Düsseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Düsseldorf, 6/21/2016.

Hommen, D. & G. Schurz. Values in frames: universals or tropes? Talk held at the Cognitive Structures 2016 conference of the CRC 991: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives (CoSt16), Düsseldorf, 9/16/2016.


Kornmesser, S. A frame-based approach for operationalized concepts. Talk held at the Fifth Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, EPSA15, Düsseldorf, 24.09.2015.

Kornmesser, S. Frame-basierte Repräsentation operationalisierter Begriffe. Talk held at the Tagung der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philoso- phie, GAP.9, Osnabrück, 16.09.2015.

Kornmesser, S.A frame-based approach for operationalized concepts. Talk held at the 15th Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, 04.08.2015.


Kornmesser, S. Frametheoretische Repräsentation operationalisierter Begriffe. Talk held at the research seminar of the Düsseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Düsseldorf, 08.07.2014