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Arne Weber

Arne Weber, MA (Mr)

Room 23.31.U1.65
Phone +49 211 81-12321
Fax +49 211 81-03170 (central fax, please include name of addressee)
Email arne.weber@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de



SToRE Membership

SToRE member since 04 Dec 2012

1. advisor: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau
2. advisor: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schurz
3. advisor: Dr. Alex Tillas

PhD Project

My research is focused on recent theories of embodied cognition. Because of a theoretical diversity, unfortunately, there is no unitary research perspective on cognition as being “embodied” and, consequently, due to the variety of theories we have no unified conception of cognition.

My general aim is to provide a methodological, conceptual and ontological refined account for understanding cognition as being embodied. Firstly, the variety of theories demands a methodological investigation to explicate their essential, differing and common features. Secondly, it is unclear what being “embodied” means and, hence, I want to present a conceptually specified conception that can also be operationalized in empirical research. Furthermore, this specified account has ontological consequences for the picture of an architecture of mind which have to be elucidated.

To elaborate this account I take a closer look on the interdependencies of motor control mechanisms and action-related cognitive processing like thinking about or perceiving an action. The theory formation integrates conceptual analysis and empirical results to present an account to understand and study cognition in relation to its bodily basis.

Publications (5 most important)

(forthcoming) The arche of Cognition – Grounding Representations in Action. (with Gottfried Vosgerau) in: Hoeltje, M., Spitzley, T., Spohn, W. (eds.): Proceedings of GAP 8, Konstanz.

(2012) Grounding Action Representations (with Gottfried Vosgerau) in: de Vignemont, F., Alsmith, A. (eds.): The body represented/Embodied representation. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2012), p. 53-69.

(2010) Trivial, Platitudinous, Boring? Searle on Conceptual Relativism. (with Markus Seidel) in: Franken, D., Karakus, A., Michel, Jan G. (eds.): John R. Searle: Thinking about the Real World. Frankfurt am Main, ontos.

(2010) Searle’s Biological Naturalism – A Typology. (with Jan G. Michel et al.) in: Franken, D., Karakus, A., Michel, Jan G. (eds.): John R. Searle: Thinking about the Real World. Frankfurt am Main, ontos.      

(2007) Realist and Idealist Interpretations of Brandom’s Notion of Objectivity. (with Michael Pohl & Raja Rosenhagen) in: Prien, B., Schweikard, D. (eds.): Robert Brandom. Analytic Pragmatist. Frankfurt am Main, ontos.

Conference presentations (5 most important)

(2012) Perceiving through Moving? – An Empirical and Conceptual Critique of Enactivism. KogWis 2012, Bamberg.

(2012) The arche of Cognition – Grounding Representations in Action. GAP 8, Konstanz, (zusammen mit Gottfried Vosgerau).

(2011) Sellars’ Erbe – Zur Kontroverse zwischen Brandom und McDowell. Salzburger Tagung für Junge Analytische Philosophie 2011. Fachbereich Philosophie (KGW) der Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg.

(2011) Is Cognition Grounded in Action? Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Evidence. European Conference on Cognitive Science, EuroCogSci 2011. New Bulgarian University.

(2011) Von der Wahrnehmung zur Motorik … und zurück! – Zu aktuellen Theorien der Neuro- und Kognitionswissenschaften. Doktorandentagung Wissenschaftsphilosophie 2011. Universität Bielefeld.

Prizes and fellowships

Associated member and lecturer of the Center of Philosophy of Science (Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie), Münster.

Last updated
