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Anne Klepp

Anne Klepp, MSc (Ms)

Phone +49 211 81-13016
Fax +49 211 81-03170 (central fax, please include name of addressee)
Email anne.klepp@uni-duesseldorf.de



SToRE Membership

SToRE member since 21 Aug 2012

1. advisor: Prof. Dr. Alfons Schnitzler
2. advisor: Dr. Katja Biermann-Ruben
3. advisor: Dr. Valentina Niccolai

PhD Project

Words losing action – neurophysiological investigations on simple action words and their derivations

For my dissertation in project B03 I investigate the processing of action verbs and their prefixed derivations in the human brain. A series of experiments using magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG) and behavioural priming paradigms will focus on the role of the sensorimotor system in language processing. Theories of embodied and grounded cognition assume that access to representations of action-related concepts and the words describing them will recruit motor regions in the brain. We use a large set of simple and complex action verbs well characterized by variables such as the body part to which they refer or the strength of action relatedness. The varying types and degrees of motor and action semantics of verbs should be measurable in the location and extent of motor activation during processing, thereby supporting embodied language theories.

Conference presentations

“Verarbeitung von Aktionsverben im motorischen Kortex”, DGKN 2013, Leipzig (poster)

“Beta band modulation by silent action verb reading”, Donders Discussions 2012, Nijmegen (poster)

“Cognitive processing of German action verbs”, Typologica 2012, Düsseldorf (talk)

Last updated
