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Liyu Cao

Liyu Cao, BA (Mr)

Email l.cao.1@research.gla.ac.uk



SToRE Membership

SToRE member from Apr 2014 until Sep 2014

1. advisor: Prof. Dr. Alfons Schnitzler
2. advisor: Dr. Katja Biermann-Ruben

PhD Project

Top down modulation of sensory processing

Humans process sensory stimuli in an active manner. That is to say, the internal state of the brain influences the processing of incoming information. My study focuses on sensory attenuation, which is the phenomenon that self generated stimuli are perceived to be weaker compared to externally generated stimuli. I use both psychophysical methods and MEG studies to investigate its cognitive mechanisms and brain dynamics. During my visit in Duesseldorf, I would like to extend my work to see if sensory perception would also be changed during language comprehension.


Kessler, K., Cao, L., O’Shea, K., & Wang, H. A cross-culture, cross-gender comparison of perspective taking mechanisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences. In press.

Conference presentations

Cao, L., Thut G., & Gross, J.(2014) Oscillatory correlates of sensory attenuation. 8th annual MEG UK conference, Nottingham, UK.

Prizes and fellowships

Student travel grant for 8th annual MEG UK conference. University of Nottingham, 2014.
Student travel grant for Intergrative Evolutionary Biology summer course. Kunming Institue of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011.

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