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Lea Rebecca Kawaletz, MA (Ms)

SFB 991 / CRC 991

Phone +49 211 81-12361
Fax +49 211 81-03170 (central fax, please include name of addressee)
Email: lea.kawaletz@uni-duesseldorf.de


English language

SToRE Membership

SToRE member since 01.07.2015

1. advisor: Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag
2. advisor: Prof. Dr. Wiebke Petersen
3. advisor: Dr. Rainer Osswald

PhD Project

My dissertation is concerned with the semantics of English derivational morphology, more precisely, the relation of input semantics and output readings in deverbal nominalizations in –ment. The analysis of neologism data gathered from dictionaries and corpora is embedded in frame theory, which serves to model the transition between the semantics of the base verbs and that of the resulting nouns. The aim of my work is to provide a descriptive account of the semantic contribution of -ment, as well as to develop a model with predictive power as to which readings are possible given certain types of base verbs in combination with this morphological process.


Plag, Ingo, Marios Andreou & Lea Kawaletz. 2018. A frame-semantic approach to polysemy in affixation. In Olivier Bonami, Gilles Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo, Fiammetta Namer (Eds.): The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology. Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax. Berlin: Language Science Press. pp. 467–486.

Lapesa, Gabriella, Lea Kawaletz, Ingo Plag, Marios Andreou, Max Kisselew & Sebastian Pado. 2018. Disambiguation of newly derived nominalizations in context: A Distributional Semantics approach. In Word Structure 11 (3), pp. 277–312.

Plag, Ingo; Andreou, Marios; Kawaletz, Lea. 2017. A frame-semantic approach to polysemy in affixation. In Olivier Bonami, Gilles Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo, Fiammetta Namer (Eds.): The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology. Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Kawaletz, Lea. 2015. Tanja Säily: Sociolinguistic Variation in English Derivational Productivity. Studies and Methods in Diachronic Corpus Linguistics. Morphology 25(3). 345{347.

Kawaletz, Lea & Ingo Plag. 2015. Predicting the semantics of English nominalizations: A frame-based analysis of -ment suffixation. In Laurie Bauer, Pavol Stekauer & Livia Kortvelyessy (eds.), Semantics of complex words. Dordrecht: Springer.

Conference presentations

Andreou, Marios, Lea Kawaletz & Ingo Plag. 2018. The semantics of derivational morphology:
A frame-based approach. Paper presented at the SFB 991 Kolloquium, October 18, 2018. Düsseldorf.

Lapesa, Gabriella, Lea Kawaletz, Marios Andreou, Max Kisselew, Sebastian Pado, Ingo Plag. 2017. Type disambiguation of English -ment derivatives. Poster presented at 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. June 22-25, 2017, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Andreou, Marios, Lea Kawaletz, Max Kisselew, Gabriella Lapesa, Sebastian Pado & Ingo Plag. 2016. Instance-based disambiguation of English -ment derivatives. Paper presented at Cognitive Structures: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, September 15-17, 2016. Düsseldorf.

Andreou, Marios, Lea Kawaletz & Ingo Plag. 2016. Meaning in word-formation: The frame-semantic hypothesis. Paper presented at International Morphology Meeting 17, February 18-21, 2016. Vienna.

Andreou, Marios, Lea Kawaletz & Ingo Plag. 2015. Modeling the interaction of affix semantics and base semantics: A frame-based approach. Paper presented at the SFB 991 Kolloquium, November 7, 2015. Düsseldorf.

Andreou, Marios, Lea Kawaletz & Ingo Plag. 2015. Modeling the interaction of affix semantics and base semantics: A frame-based approach. Paper presented at Approches formelles, quantitatives et descriptives des systemes morphologique, Laboratoire d’Excellence ‘Empirical Foundations of Linguistics’, October 13, 2015. Université Paris 5 Diderot.

Kawaletz, Lea. 2014. Modeling nominalization in frames. A case study of -ment suffixation on causative verbal bases. Paper presented at Event Semantics and Lexical Semantics, November 28-19, 2014. Jena.

Kawaletz, Lea & Ingo Plag. 2014. Predicting the semantics of English nominalizations: A frame-based analysis of -ment suffixation. Paper presented at Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF’14), August 25 – 27, 2014. Düsseldorf.

Kawaletz, Lea & Ingo Plag. 2014. Semantic predictability in derived nouns: Psych verbs as bases for -ment.Paper presented at Semantics of derivational morphology: Empirical evidence and theoretical modeling, June 30 – July 1, 2014. Düsseldorf.

Kawaletz, Lea & Ingo Plag. 2014. Lässt sich Semantik vorhersagen? Die Nominalisierung von englischen Psychverben mit -ment. Paper presented at Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwesten 6, May 23-24, 2014. Bielefeld.

Kawaletz, Lea. 2013. The semantics of morphology. A frame-based approach. Paper presented at Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, November 13-17,2013. Düsseldorf.

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