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Qualification Program

The complete qualification program requires 528 contact hours of studies in addition to the PhD thesis, which encompasses the following modules:

1 – Core program (mandatory)
2 – Research topics and methods
3 – Academic tasks
4 – Skills
5 – Career development

For reference: 1 ECTS in Germany = 30 contact hrs of study

1 1a Good Scientific Practice Mandatory 4 hrs 428 hrs
1b Annual MGK master class Mandatory 64 hrs
(16 hrs / year)
1c Weekly graduate research seminar Mandatory 180 hrs
(22.5 hrs / sem.)
1d Weekly research seminar of the CRC Mandatory 180 hrs
(22.5 hrs / sem.)
2 2a Research topics 1 workshop (2 days) 16 hrs 32 hrs
2b Research methods 1 workshop (2 days) 16 hrs
3 3a Conferences 1 conference presentation or
publication or
course teaching
var. var.
3b Publications
3c Teaching
4 4a Academic skills 1 workshop (2 days) 16 hrs 32 hrs
4b Transferable skills 1 workshop (2 days) 16 hrs
5 5a Career orientation 1 workshop (2 days) 16 hrs 32 hrs
5b Career coaching 4 sessions 4 hrs
5c Occupational areas 1 area (0.5 days) 4 hrs
5d Preparation for job application 2 workshops (0.5 days) 8 hrs