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CRC Events

DFG Collaborative Research Centre 991 Events
08.2020Workshop 'Information Structure in Spoken Language Corpora 4 (ISSLaC 4): The role of discourse type and and rhetorical relations'. HHU Düsseldorf.Workshop
01.04.2020Frame workshop, HdU (cancelled)Workshop
09.08.2019-10.08.2019Workshop 'Causation in discourse and cognition' at ICLC2019Workshop
14.6.2019Düsseldorf Symposium on Decision NeuroscienceSymposium
24.05.2019Workshop on Computing Semantics with Types, Frames and Related
Structures at the International Workshop on Computational Semantics
IWCS 2019
23.05.2019 - 24.05.2019Modification of Complex PredicatesWorkshop
01.03.2019 - 04.03.201920th Szklarska Poreba WorkshopWorkshop
07.02.2019 - 08.02.2019 Concepts and ExplanationConference
12.9.2018 - 14.9.2018Cognitive Structures - Linguistic, Philosophical, and Psychological Perspectives (CoSt18)Conference
29.8.2018-01.09.2018Information Structure at the Interfaces, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE2018)Workshop
6.8.2018 - 10.8.2018Bridging Formal and Conceptual Semantics (ESSLLI 2018 workshop)Workshop
6.8.2018 - 10.8.2018Ambiguity: Perspectives on Representation and Resolution (ARR, ESSLLI 2018 workshop)Workshop
25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018XXII European Symposium - Language, Thought, and RealitySymposium
22.06.2018Düsseldorf Symposium on Decision NeuroscienceSymposium
13.03.2018 - 14.03.2018Records, frames and attribute spaces (ZAS/Berlin)Workshop
08.03.2018 - 09.03.2018Applications of Probability Theory in Linguistics, 40th Annual DGfS meetingWorkshop
07.03.2018 - 09.03.2018Specificity, Definiteness and Article Systems across Languages, 40th Annual DGfS meetingWorkshop
23.02.2018 - 26.02.201819th Szklarska Poreba WorkshopWorkshop
21.02.2018 - 23.02.2018Uncertainty in Meaning and Representation in Linguistics and PhilosophyWorkshop
16.11.2017 - 17.11.2017Workshop on ReferenceWorkshop
20.10.2017-21.10.2017Analysis and explication - traditional and contemporary approachesWorkshop
18.09.2017-22.09.2017TbiLLC 2017: Twelfth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and ComputationConference
13.09.2017Probabilistic Approaches to (Prototype) Concepts,
SOPhiA 2017
11.09.2017-22.09.2017DGfS-CL Fall School 2017Fall school
30.06.2017Düsseldorf Symposium on Decision NeuroscienceSymposium
24.05.2017 - 26.05.2017Propositions and Linguistic/Cognitive ActionWorkshop
08.03.2017-10.03.2017Coercion across Linguistic Fieldss, 39th Annual DGfS MeetingWorkshop
03.03.2017-06.03.201718th Szklarska Poreba WorkshopWorkshop
20.02.2017 - 22.02.2017Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP)Conference
25.11.2016 - 26.11.2016Event Semantics 2016 WorkshopWorkshop
15.09.2016 -17.09.2016Cognitive Structures - Linguistic, Philosophical, and Psychological Perspectives (CoSt16)Conference
22.08. - 26.08.2016Formal, Probabilistic and Typological Approaches to Discourse Particles and Modal Adverbs (ESSLLI 2016 workshop)Workshop
29.06.2016 - 01.07.2016The 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+12)Workshop
17.06.2016 -18.06.2016The Interface of Prosody and Information StructureWorkshop
17.06.2016Düsseldorf Symposium on Decision NeuroscienceSymposium
06.06.2016 - 07.06.2016CountabilityWorkshop
30.05.2016Data Collection, Storing, and SharingWorkshop
23.05.2016Frames & ProbabilitiesWorkshop
21.09.2015 - 26.09.2015TbiLLC 2015: Eleventh International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and ComputationConference
31.07.2015 - 02.08.2015International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG)Conference
25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015Emotion Concepts in Use Workshop
22.06.2015 - 24.06.2015FSMNLP 2015Conference
09.01.2015 - 11.01.20154th Annual Conference of the German Whitehead SocietyConference
18.09.2014 - 19.09.2014Common Ground and discourse modelingWorkshop
25.08.2014 - 27.08.2014Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF'14)Conference
30.06.2014 - 01.07.2014Semantics of Derivational Morphology: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical ModelingWorkshop
02.06.2014 - 03.06.2014Color in Concepts: Representation and Processing of Color in Language and CognitionWorkshop
19.05.2014 - 20.05.2014Functions in the mind and brain mechanisms Workshop
12.04.2014 - 13.04.2014Bridging Formal and Conceptual Semantics Workshop
16.01.2014 Unification and CoherenceWorkshop
16.09.2013 - 17.09.2013CountabilityWorkshop
10.08.2013 - 11.08.2013The 18th conference on Formal Grammar Conference
05.08.2013 - 16.08.2013 The 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2013)Summer school/
15.05.2013 - 16.05.2013Concepts and categorization in linguistics, cognitive science and philosophyWorkshop
27.02.2013 - 28.2.2013Comparing Frame-Theories Workshop
19.10.2012 - 20.10.2012Sensorimotor Representations and ConceptsWorkshop
22.08.2012 - 24.08.2012Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF'12)Conference
16.07.2012Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation of CorporaWorkshop
01.06.2012 - 02.06.2012Semantic and typological perspectives on definitesWorkshop
17.05.2012 - 18.05.2012Exploring The Syntax-Semantics Interface Workshop
19.04.2012 Finite-state Methods in Language Resources and Historical-comparative Linguistics
01.12.2011 - 03.12.2011Sensory-motor concepts in language and cognitionConference
CTF Conferences (2007-2009)
24.08.2009-26.08.2009Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF'09) Conference
20.08.2007-22.08.2007Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF'07) Conference